Home User/Office

Business $90/h
Emergency Support (Same day or Next Day)
Or Data Recovery
Minimum of 2 hours will be charged

No Time/Travel Fees for San Francisco Customers - 2 hours minimum will be charged for Bay Area Customers.


REFERENCES - Please only contact those Businesses if you really consider hiring us for your IT services.

- Altereco USA (Edouard): http://www.altereco-usa.com

- Blue Orange Games (Julien): http://www.blueorangegames.com

- Bouvet USA (Ruben): http://www.bouvet.com

- EBY (Brian) : http://www.visiteby.com

- Icop Capital (Mike): http://www.iconcap.com

- Orbeco (Guy): http://www.orbeco.net


*San Francisco only - 2 hours minimum will be charged for Bay Area customers.